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Legal Basis

Legal Basis

The Austrian Packaging Ordinance was established on the basis of the Waste Management Act. It has been in force since October 1,1993. A revised version of the Packaging Ordinance has been effective since October 1, 2006. The Austrian Packaging Ordinance requires from all producers, distributors, importers, traders, and all other business organisations which put packaging or packed goods on the Austrian market to take back their packaging free of charge and recover it. In detail, it requires

  • An obligation for industry and trade to accept returned packaging
  • Full responsibility for packaging distributed on the market by either by
  • recovery through own collection schemes or
  • by participation in an authorized collection and recovery system for packaging not recovered by own collection schemes
  • The Reuse or recycling of collected packaging in state-of-the-art facilities
  • A minimum recycling quota for each packaging type
  • A proactive documentation to Ministry of Environment
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