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Altstoff Recycling Austria Aktiengesellschaft (ARA) was founded in 1993 on an initiative of Austrian trade and industry. As a service company, ARA provides a wide array of services to all companies that are affected by the Austrian Packaging Ordinance.  

ARA is the central resource for companies that seek information on packaging collection and recovery. As a non-profit organization, ARA operates along the principles of efficiency, cost effectiveness, and ecological viability. It signs contracts with its customers, the so-called license partners.

Together with AGR, the recyclingorganisation for glass, ARA organises the collection and recovery of all types of packaging waste throughout the country, thos providing the Austrians with an excellent and hoghly convenient cobination of kerbside schemes, bring sites and recycling centres. 

License partners of ARA are granted the exclusive right to use the "Dot" on the packaged products they distribute on the Austrian market.

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