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WEEE of Austria

WEEE of Austria

Legal implementation: WEEE Ordinance (Elektroaltgeräteverordnung EAG-VO) of April 29, 2005 in force since August 13, 2005    

Registration: online at (only Austrian-based producers and retailers or foreign companies selling to Austria via telesales)    

Registration deadline: September 30, 2005 (but it is still possible and required to register)    

Producer and retailer responsibilities:    

  • registration at Umweltbundesamt
  • marking of EEE with the crossed-out waste bin
  • for b2c: contract with a collective scheme for b2b: 
  • take-back obligation and re-use/treatment of WEEE
  • annual reporting of EEE put on the market
  • alternatively: joining a collection scheme
  • retailers: 1:1 take-back obligation for WEEE from final customers if selling area > 150m²

Clearing house: Elektroaltgeräte Koordinierungsstelle Austria GmbH (EAK) coordinates between the collective schemes and allocates pickup orders according to the schemes' market share.

ERA GmbH, a subsidiary of ARA, offers a nationwide compliance service, including

  • Full compliance of all WEEE categories (b2c and b2b)
  • Excellent cost/performance ratio (please find our current tariffs on our website:
  • Free-of-charge registration at Umweltbundesamt
  • High-class consulting service and consumer information
  • Agency model (if foreign suppliers want to take over the Austrian resellers' obligation for reporting and payment)

If you have special questions concerning our offer, please call our Service Hotline +43 1 595 26 36 - 777 or send us an email to We are looking forward to hearing from you.

ERA Elektro Recycling Austria GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 123
A-1062 Wien
Tel: +43/1/595 26 36-0
Fax: +43/1/595 26 36-700

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