PRO EUROPE welcomes the European Commission study on EU Member States waste management performances
Brussels, 27 August 2012 –
The study ‘Screening of Waste Management Performance of EU Member States’, carried out by BiPRO and recently published by the European Commission’s DG Environment provides a critical screening of the implementation of EU waste legislation across Europe, finding large differences between Member States (MS) as regards issues such as municipal waste treatment and compliance with EU waste legislation. PRO EUROPE welcomes that this study has been conducted and is pleased that best practices to improve waste management will be developed and spread across EU MS.
PRO E welcomes the European Commission study on EU Member States waste management performances
The study ‘Screening of Waste Management Performance of EU Member States’, carried out by BiPRO and recently published by the European Commission’s DG Environment provides a critical screening of the implementation of EU waste legislation across Europe, finding large differences between Member States (MS) as regards issues such as municipal waste treatment and compliance with EU waste legislation. PRO EUROPE welcomes that this study has been conducted and is pleased that best practices to improve waste management will be developed and spread across EU MS.