North America

Country information for Canada, USA, and Mexico (NAFTA):


As of 31 December 2024, GNDA will no longer be the licensor of the Green Dot trademark for North America. Active licensing of the trademark will be suspended for the NAFTA region. If the Trademark is used on packaging of the same design that is also marketed in at least one of the PRO Europe member countries (see here - Member Countries), the licensee may enter into a Royalty-Free Licence Agreement (RFLA) with Der Grüne Punkt/PRO Europe and continue to use the Trademark on packaging in the NAFTA region (the "RFLA Licensing Option").

If your company wishes to continue to use the trademark on packaging for the North American market, this will still be possible under a royalty-free licensing agreement between the company and Der Grüne Punkt/PRO Europe as of 1 January 2025. For more information on the RFLA licensing option, please click here: Der Grüne Punkt, Royalty Free Licence Agreement.

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