Green Dot North America is responsible for managing the Green Dot trademark in the United States, Canada and Mexico. This involves overseeing its use and entering into "user agreements" to ensure that the integrity of the mark is protected and that it is not used in a misleading fashion or in derogation of its meaning in any way.
The user agreement does not mean that the Green Dot will be used as a financing symbol in North America, or that companies will be required to use it. The protection of the trademark and the unrestricted use of it worldwide by authorized companies are indispensable pre-requisites for the functioning of the packaging recycling systems in the countries where such recycling systems exist. Toward that end, PRO-Europe's main task is to ensure that only authorized companies may use the Green Dot trademark in all countries.
Green Dot North America operates on a cost-recovery basis, covering the cost of setting up licenses with existing users as well as participation in the management of PRO EUROPE