Who we are

PRO Europe s.r.l. (Packaging Recovery Organisation Europe), founded in 1995, is the umbrella organisation for European packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling schemes which mainly use the registered trademark “The Green Dot" as a financing symbol. In its primary role, PRO Europe is the general licensor of the Green Dot trademark for Europe.

The Green Dot has evolved into a proven concept in many countries as a model for implementing producer responsibility. You can find all countries using the Green Dot today here.

‘Green Dot’ systems contribute to the successful implementation of producer responsibility by obliged companies, e.g. producers and retailers. When you see the Green Dot on packaging it means that for such packaging a financial contribution has been paid to a national packaging recovery company.

The main task of PRO Europe’s members is to organize the efficient implementation of adequate national collection and recovery systems, mostly for sales and household packaging. In this way, industrial companies and commercial enterprises are relieved of their individual obligation to take back used sales packaging.

The aim is to ensure the recovery and recycling of packaging waste in the most economically efficient and ecologically sound manner.

Moreover, PRO Europe has concluded cooperation agreements with the similar system in the United Kingdom ("VALPAK"), which manages the use of the Green Dot in the United Kingdom to ensure that all licensees of the Green Dot can easily use labeled packaging worldwide. Use of the Green Dot on packaging in the North American market is possible under a royalty-free license agreement between the company and Der Grüne Punkt/PRO Europe.

PRO Europe’s management:

President: Jörg Deppmeyer (Der Grüne Punkt, Germany)
Managing Director: Ursula Denison (Der Grüne Punkt, Germany)

Incorporated as a private limited liability company under Belgian law (société privé à responsibilité limitée s.r.l.), PRO Europe is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

Did you already know that …

  • we have 31 members  active in 31 countries
  • 29 packaging recovery organisations in 29 countries are using the Green Dot as their financial symbol
  • about 150.000 companies are contributing licensees/members of PRO Europe member systems
  • about 540 million inhabitants have access to separate collection financed by PRO Europe member systems
  • more than 400  billion packaging items are yearly labeled with the ‘Green Dot’, a registered trademark in more than 140 countries ?


PRO Europe map

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