Näringslivets Producentansvar i Sverige AB


General info


10.5 million

Date of Packaging Ordinance coming into effect


Legal basis

According to the "Ordinance of Producers' responsibilities for packaging" all companies that produce, import, or sell packaged goods on the Swedish market are, by law, an obligated packaging producer and have, through a producer responsibility organization, a financial responsibility to ensure that the packaging is collected and recycled. The main purpose of the producer responsibility is to reduce littering, reduce the amount of waste and to ensure that the waste that does occur is recycled and used for new products. Under the same regulations, both households and businesses are required to sort their waste and separately drop-off used packaging for recycling.

Obligated packaging

Sales packaging
Grouped packaging
Transport packaging
Service packaging

Company info

Foundation of the PRO Europe Member Organization


Contact Address

Näringslivets Producentansvar i Sverige AB
Löfström Allé 5
Box 1176, 171 23 Solna

Contact Person

Mr. Torsten Svensson
+46 8 566 144 49

Offered Services

Näringslivets Producentansvar is an approved producer responsibility organization that helps producers of packaging to take their producer responsibility by, for example, offering flexible systems for reporting as well as guidelines in packaging design for increased material recycling. The company is owned by the industry organizations DLF Sweden, Swedish Food Retailers Federation, Swedish Trade Federation, the Swedish Brewers Association and the Spirit and Wine Suppliers Association and builds on the expertise and experience that has been developed within Förpackningsinsamlingen, FTI, for more than 25 years. Näringslivets Producentansvar do not distribute profits but strives to drive development towards a circular and traceable recycling.


The aim is to meet or exceed the Government objectives in the most economic and environmentally friendly way. Through guidelines in packaging design and strategic partnerships with selected suppliers of recycling services, Näringslivets Producentansvar aims to reduce littering and increase the reuse and recycling of packaging.

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