VšĮ Žaliasis taškas


General info


2.9 million

Date of Packaging Ordinance coming into effect


Legal basis

The main legal basis is established by Lithuanian Waste management law and Law on the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste that mainly focuses on collection and recovery of packaging waste. The regulations cover consumer and commercial packaging with equal significancehttps://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/TAR.9D1ADB9E1518/VbCfjBoySx

Obligated packaging

all packaging

Company info

Foundation of the PRO Europe Member Organization


Contact Address

VšĮ Žaliasis taškas
Perkūnkiemio g. 2
LT-12126 Vilnius

Contact Person

Mr. Kęstutis Pocius
+370 658 00688

Offered Services

Zaliasis taskas is responsible for the establishment of the extended producer responsibility principle across the industry in Lithuania.

  • we participate in the development of waste collection infrastructure
  • consult our clients
  • offer free seminars and environmental audits
  • implement national educational environmental projects.


Our goal is to develop Lithuanian packaging waste management system by expanding the container infrastructure, reaching growth of waste sorting in households and achieving recycling targets.
We aim to create added value to our members, environment and society.

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