Royalty Free Licensing Agreement
Royalty Free Licensing Agreement for packaging distributed globally
Do you distribute your packaging globally and want to use the Green Dot?
We offer the Royalty Free Licencing Agreement (RFLA) for free worldwide usage of the Green Dot.
Why sign a world-wide license contract for non-Green Dot countries?
The Royalty Free Licensing Agreement (RFLA) allows using the Green Dot in countries without a ’Green Dot‘ system or cooperation. It safeguards both the use of the Green Dot and the Green Dot trademark rights.
Your benefits:
- Possibility to produce uniform packaging with the Green Dot for global distribution, rather than having separate production lines
- Free world-wide usage of trademark "The Green Dot" in non-‘Green Dot’ countries
- Protection from claims from third parties for use of the trademark
- Participation in the network of Green Dot systems
If you want to conclude a RFLA, please send us an email to
One precondition for concluding the RFLA is at least one valid trademark agreement with a ‘Green Dot’ system.
Please note: The agreement does not cover legal use of the Green Dot trademark in countries with a national Green Dot system – rather, you are obliged to conclude separate trademark contracts with the organisations in countries where your product is sold. The agreement becomes invalid once all agreements with national Green Dot systems have ended.
Aside from granting corresponding world-wide licences, the subject matter of these agreements also includes the duty to inform and to assist PRO Europe/the trademark owner in defending trademarks. This is imperative for an effective protection because proof of use in administrative and court proceedings can only be furnished if appropriate usable information is furnished by the licensees.
Content of the contract
By signing the agreement the licensee gets the right to use the Green Dot in non-European. Of course this free of charge service is limited to those kinds of packaging which are licensed in minimum to one Green Dot system so that it is in the interest of the licensee to have one kind of packaging and not to differentiate between Green Dot and Non-Green Dot countries.
On the other side the licensee is obliged to inform Pro Europe/DSD on request, in which countries and on which kind of packaging the mark is used to support the world-wide protection of the Green Dot.
→ After you have filled in and signed the agreement, please send it to