Mission Statement of PRO EUROPE
The company’s objectives:
- The enjoyment of all rights relating to the Green Dot logos and trademarks, in accordance with harmonized rules applicable to national organisations drawn up in accordance with the principles defined by the Directive EC/94/62 relating to packaging and packaging waste.
- The development and control of the conditions in which the Green Dot logo licences are granted to packaging manufacturers and distributors in liaison with the competition authorities.
- The cooperation of national systems, mainly, concerning the verbal and graphic representation of the Green Dot logos and trademarks,
To make it a European logo and trademark that symbolizes the financial contributions to an organisation set up in accordance with the principles defined by the Directive.
"The mark "The Green Dot" on packaging means that, for such packaging, a financial contribution has been paid to a national packaging recovery company that has been set up in accordance with the principles defined in European Directive No. 94/62 and its national law."