Containers and Packaging Recycling Act and JCPRA
The Containers and Packaging Recycling Act ("the Act") was established in 1995 to meet the increasing need to reduce the volume of solid waste and make full use of recyclable resources by means of sorted collection and to recycle waste containers and wrapping. According to the concept of the Act, the Japan Containers and Packaging Recycling Association will fulfil its responsibility to efficiently invest and manage recycling fees paid by the specified business entities in recycling operations.
At the same time, the JCPRA coordinates the government, municipalities, consumers, specified business entities, recyclers and manufacturers who use recycled goods in their products to implement an optimum recycling circle in which each of us is aware of the respective role.
Since the Act was enforced, we have seen steady promotion of recycling of waste containers and wrapping. Reassessment of the Act was started in 2004, and the revised Container and Packaging Recycling Act went into effect in June 2006. The points of the revised act are (1) to promote the establishment of a sustainable society according to the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) defined in the Basic Act for Establishing a Recycling-Based Society, (2) to improve cost efficiency throughout society, and (3) to encourage cooperation of all interested parties including the government, municipalities, business enterprises and citizens.
The JCPRA, a government-designated organization based on the Container and Packaging Recycling Act, will continue to promote recycling according to the Act in cooperation with the government, municipalities, consumers and business enterprises, and proactively support and coordinate partnerships between these parties.
The Japan Containers and Packaging Recycling Association
Further information can be found here: http://http://jcpra.or.jp//