North America

Country information for Canada, USA, and Mexico (NAFTA):

PRO Europe’s scope of trademark protection is focused on Europe. However, in order to enable producers to use the same packaging they use in Europe, including the Green Dot in other major markets, DSD in Germany (as the owner of the original trademark) has concluded a bilateral agreement with Green Dot North America, Toronto, Canada. It entitles and obliges this company to licence and supervise the trademark in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, although no Green Dot recovery system is currently operating in Canada. The reason for this agreement is the great importance of this economic region. Our partner is responsible for ensuring that the companies selling or distributing products in the USA, Canada, and Mexico which carry the Green Dot and wishing to display it are e.g. not confronted with claims by a holder of a similar trademark.

Our co-operation partner agreed to ensure the protection of the Green Dot in the respective licence territory. Therefore, they offer licence agreements for the use of the Green Dot on packaging which is intended to be distributed in the USA, Canada and/or Mexico. Interested entities are asked to contact Green Dot North America. Contact details can be found on the respective homepage:

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